The horror.. The horror ... I've seen people crawling through mud just to get a box of sweets ... The horror
So we signed up to this fun charity run. I saw the pictures online ... and it looked like you can make it through fairly dirty but not too dirty. As in, if you really were a nutter you could jump in the mud puddle and make a mess but if you were in for the fun run you could maybe avoid some of the mud...
Friday came along and the forecast was a bit gloomy but oh what the heck we signed-up and it was a good cause anyway.
Sunday morning. Woke up looked outside - oh fu.. cra... holyf..!It's raining! Oh well, can't let the team down. Let's do this!!
Got over to the place joined the team and it all got real very fast ... we were actually going to go through with it!
100-200 meters after the start it seemed OK, and then the first obstacle came ... not bad. Got muddy up to the knees but if this is what it's like it's actually not bad. Then it was pretty much a run in the fields. Yes there's mud but it's not bad. Those nutters from the pictures must have gotten dirty on purpose.
And then it started. After maybe a mile or so the obstacles started. Well obstacles as in holes in the ground full with water(there was water there but I really don't want to get in to details)... and other things (one contestant actually found a fish in her ...erm... clothes)
Speaking of contestants, there were a lot of girls. The delicate creatures that they all are I was really surprised by the ...err... language. I'm certainly no stranger to obscenities and I'm proud I can swear in more than 4 languages... sometimes even in my sleep. But the things I heard from the girls made me seriously question my abilities.
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